

Who are we?

The KU Leuven Public Governance Institute is an internationally oriented and interdisciplinary research institute that focuses on different aspects of public governance. Both fundamental and applied research are part of our activities, with special attention for theory, empirical research and practice. Comparative research in particular is one of our core competencies.

Our expertise

We offer a research-based educational program. Thanks to this we wish to contribute to lifelong learning and professional up-dating. Our target audience are regular students and government officials as well as political actors. Through our public service we want to transfer knowledge and insight to administrative and policy practice.

The Public Governance Institute conducts research into different aspects of public governance from a public administration and political science perspective. The results of our research are of value in higher and continuing education, in public organizations, and for society in general.

Our mission is to gain knowledge and insight regarding politics, administration and public policies on  local, regional, federal, European and international levels.  Such knowledge and understanding is in line with the core tasks of the university. We intend to make scientific contributions to an improvement in the policy-making, organization and management of public administrations. In this process, special attention is given to the role of citizens, political parties and government officials.

What do we do in the project ?

The KU Leuven Public Governance Institute is mainly involved in Terra Mosana from a practical point of view. Public Governance Institute is internationally known for its expertise in public governance (public administration and supervision), as well as the management of digital (geo-spatial) information of the public sector as a vital part of e-government. From this perspective the KU Leuven team participates in WP1 for the development of the sustainable strategy, the strong governance structure, legal conditions and the ethical guidelines. Furthermore we offer support for WP2 in developing the storylines by organizing an online survey and three workshops with focus groups.

Finally, the institute has significant experience in organizing “general meetings (General Assemblies) with public decision makers as target group. From this perspective the KU Leuven team will help organize an interdisciplinary conference on the topic of "sustainable digital heritage".