
City of Liege

Who are we?

Liège has been  the capital of a sovereign state for 800 years : the Prince-Bishopric of Liège (985-1789). 

A vast territory that covered a quarter of the modern-day Belgium that extended to the French, Dutch and German borders. 

This “crossroad city” at the intersection of the German an Latin worlds has also had a leading position during the industrial revolution.

Since then, an important heritage has remained which has succeeded to adapt to current realities. Its stones are full of history but sublimated by the addition of innovative and modern materials to create the new face of Liège. Glass structures added to symbolic buildings, monasteries reassigned, castles reallocated into economic activities,... They all witness the transformation from a Principality to a Metropolis. 

Nowadays, Liège embodies a perpetually changing city. With advanced logistics at the heart of a European communication hub, a prestigious heritage and remarkables sites, a creative economy, Liege is truly a city that lives, tells a story and reinvents itself.

Our expertise

The City of Liège is a real heritage laboratory. All forms of expression are gathered to form a rich and diversified heritage that everyone passes by on a daily basis. The City of Liège buckles down to promote the existing heritage as well as to create new artistic realizations. A lot of maintenance, conservation and protection work of the testimonies of the wealth of our monumental heritage, be they situated in the historic centre or at the outskirts of the city, be they important or belonging to what we call “the small heritage”, are therefore being undertaken every year.

At the same time, the City of Liège initializes, supervises and follows up the installations of large-scale contemporary art pieces. The City of Liège’s role is to communicate about this heritage through brochures and book publishing, but also by integrating the digital aspects (communication through social networks, website, apps, …) and new technologies.

What do we do?

The City of Liège is responsible for the communication of the project. Therefore, it will manage the website and the social networks. It will also create all the promotional material needed to help the project spread effectively in the EMR Region.

Regarding its “ on site experience”, the City of Liège will also develop a 3D model of the historical center of Liège in the 18th century, based on the Ruhl model. There will be added an augmented reality experience via smartphone or tablet and a full virtual reality reconstitution thanks to innovative immersive goggles.