
European Grouping of territorial Cooperation (EGTC)


The EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine is one of the oldest European collaborative border regions: Five partner regions – the Province of Liège, East Belgium, the Belgian Province of Limburg, the Dutch Province of Limburg and finally the Region Aachen - from three countries that speak three different languages work together in the EGTC. Its aim is to facilitate its citizens’ everyday life and be a mediator between the people and their needs, and the European structures. Its key working themes are mobility, health, security, culture, tourism, employment and education, economy and innovation, sustainable development, territorial analysis as well as lobbying.

Our expertise

The first structures in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine to collaborate were police and emergency forces to tackle the issues of cross border crimes, accidents etc. On a more cultural basis, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine not only helps and keeps in touch with artists and cultural actors alike, it also spends a great deal of energy on the young. The main aim being that children and young adults discover their neighbours in more than one way: school visits or exchanges, Euregio Profile Schools that teach neighbour languages starting at primary school, entertaining visitor groups in the EMR etc.

What do we do?

As associated partner, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine contributes especially its network and expertise. The EMR sits on meetings through one of its representatives who follows the project and who can point out past projects and contacts that could be beneficial in the process of building the project Terra Mosana.