Under the radar

The Second World War left many traces in Limburg. Sometimes visible, often hidden. Dive under the radar and search for bunkers, trenches, airports,… relics in Limburg today and in the past.

Limburg hides a lot of traces from WWII. On the online platform “Onder de radar” Limburgers search for remains, such as camps, places of execution, bombings, cemeteries, ... Curious to discover their stories? Then get inspired and explore the map!


Unique aerial photographs from World War II

In 2019, Ghent University, discovered in the American National Archives (NARA) a unique series of aerial photos of the province of Limburg. It concerned 810 WWII aerial photos taken by the Germans and the Americans between 1944 and 1945. Some of the photos served strategic military purposes. The others had to better map the Europe just after the war. The provincial government ordered that the photos be digitized and georeferenced.

These photos provide a unique picture of Limburg then, during and just after WWII. They clearly show the great changes that the historical landscape has undergone in many places, up to the present day.

A project of the Province of Limburg (Belgium).
